The Opera Glasses Podcast

John Fanning: Out of Retirement

Michael Jones, Elizabeth Bowman Season 3 Episode 3
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00:00 | 18:36

Prepare to be enchanted by the stories and insights of Canadian baritone John Fanning, a treasured gem in the world of opera. As a recipient of the Ruby Award and a member of the Order of Canada, John shares his remarkable journey from the grandeur of opera stages to a more family-centered life in Waterford, Ontario. We'll uncover his thoughts on transitioning from teaching at the University of Montreal to the joys of retirement, where volunteering and family time now take center stage. Plus, get an insider's view of his thrilling return to the stage as Don Pasquale with Calgary Opera and the unique challenges and triumphs that come with embodying a new role at this stage in his career.

All episodes of The Opera Glasses podcast are hosted by the editor of Opera Canada, currently Michael Jones after Elizabeth Bowman hosted seasons 1 and 2. Follow Opera Canada on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Visit for all of your Canadian Opera news and reviews.